[pytables-users] Sum over column with tables.Expr?
Dav Clark
2016-05-17 22:40:00 UTC
Scopatz already seemingly answered this question here:


So, I tried some stuff. None of it works in a way that makes sense. For
example, i have a table in `spy`:

# This works and computes what I want, taking a few seconds for something
# I need to do this literally gabillions of times
np.mean(list(x['Bid_Price'] for x in spy.iterrows()))

# These are errors

# So I get the column in a variable:
spy_bp = spy.cols.Bid_Price

# This returns the column - each element

# These are "ValueError: reduction axis is out of bounds"
tb.Expr('sum(spy_bp, axis=0)')
tb.Expr('sum(spy_bp, axis=2)')

# So I can do this...
# But that's bizarre and also slower than the first line above

# This is also slower (but does the same general thing)

So what was Scopatz suggesting in the above link?

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Francesc Alted
2016-05-19 09:35:43 UTC
Hi Dav,

Yes, it seems that PyTables does not implement reductions well via numexpr:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import tables

In [3]: f = tables.open_file("test.h5", "w")

In [4]: a = f.create_array('/', 'a', np.array([1,2,3]))

In [5]: tables.Expr('sum(a)').eval()
Out[5]: array([6, 6, 6]) # nope!

I put more effort in implementing reductions in the bcolz package:

In [6]: import bcolz

In [7]: a2 = bcolz.carray([1,2,3])

In [8]: bcolz.eval('sum(a2)')
Out[8]: 6

A possible solution is to move the reduction support in bcolz to PyTables.
Could you open a ticket on this?

Post by Dav Clark
So, I tried some stuff. None of it works in a way that makes sense. For
# This works and computes what I want, taking a few seconds for something
# I need to do this literally gabillions of times
np.mean(list(x['Bid_Price'] for x in spy.iterrows()))
# These are errors
spy_bp = spy.cols.Bid_Price
# This returns the column - each element
# These are "ValueError: reduction axis is out of bounds"
tb.Expr('sum(spy_bp, axis=0)')
tb.Expr('sum(spy_bp, axis=2)')
# So I can do this...
# But that's bizarre and also slower than the first line above
# This is also slower (but does the same general thing)
So what was Scopatz suggesting in the above link?
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Francesc Alted
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Dav Clark
2016-05-23 19:17:54 UTC
I've created an issue here:


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