[pytables-users] Renaming a group?
Christopher Turnbull
2016-03-10 10:25:07 UTC
Hi, could someone please tell me how to rename a group?

This probably seems like a dumb question- so do you know anywhere I could
learn pytables? I'm having problems following the tutorial on their
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Christopher Turnbull
2016-03-10 11:33:15 UTC
from tables import * h5f = open_file('/home/chris/Chris
print h5f

/home/chris/Chris Hunter/sensors_data.h5 (File) ''
Last modif.: 'Thu Mar 10 10:10:47 2016'
Object Tree:
/ (RootGroup) ''
/home (Group) ''
/home/chris (Group) ''
/home/chris/Chris Hunter (Group) ''
/home/chris/Chris Hunter/New_header_Alphasense_ECC_box_merged_240615_210815.csv
(Table(504008,)) ''

I'm trying to rename the group 'Chris Hunter'

h5f.root.home.chris.Chris Hunter._f_rename('a')

File "<ipython-input-35-bcd838c32dc2>", line 1
h5f.root.home.chris.Chris Hunter._f_rename('a')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
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Francesc Alted
2016-03-10 12:02:25 UTC
Hi Christopher,

You cannot use invalid Python variable names in combination with the
natural name approach. Instead, use File.rename_node():


BTW, the quick search box in the left frame of the documentation is your
friend, so don't hesitate to use it extensively.

Post by Christopher Turnbull
from tables import * h5f = open_file('/home/chris/Chris
print h5f
/home/chris/Chris Hunter/sensors_data.h5 (File) ''
Last modif.: 'Thu Mar 10 10:10:47 2016'
/ (RootGroup) ''
/home (Group) ''
/home/chris (Group) ''
/home/chris/Chris Hunter (Group) ''
/home/chris/Chris Hunter/
New_header_Alphasense_ECC_box_merged_240615_210815.csv (Table(504008,)) ''
I'm trying to rename the group 'Chris Hunter'
h5f.root.home.chris.Chris Hunter._f_rename('a')
File "<ipython-input-35-bcd838c32dc2>", line 1
h5f.root.home.chris.Chris Hunter._f_rename('a')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
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Francesc Alted
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Christopher Turnbull
2016-03-15 16:16:31 UTC
h5f.rename_node('/home/chris/Chris Hunter','newname')

---------------------------------------------------------------------------NoSuchNodeError Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-30-9b75f53baacd> in <module>()----> 1 h5f.rename_node('/home/chris/Chris Hunter','newname')
/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in rename_node(self, where, newname, name, overwrite) 1662 """ 1663 -> 1664 obj = self.get_node(where, name=name) 1665 obj._f_rename(newname, overwrite) 1666
/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in get_node(self, where, name, classname) 1614 # Now we have the definitive node path, let us try to get the node. 1615 if node is None:-> 1616 node = self._get_node(nodepath) 1617 1618 # Finally, check whether the desired node is an instance
/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in _get_node(self, nodepath) 1553 return self.root 1554 -> 1555 node = self._node_manager.get_node(nodepath) 1556 assert node is not None, "unable to instantiate node ``%s``" % nodepath 1557
/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in get_node(self, key) 434 435 if self.node_factory:--> 436 node = self.node_factory(key) 437 self.cache_node(node, key) 438
/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/group.pyc in _g_load_child(self, childname) 1184 childname = join_path(self._v_file.root_uep, childname) 1185 # Is the node a group or a leaf?-> 1186 node_type = self._g_check_has_child(childname) 1187 1188 # Nodes that HDF5 report as H5G_UNKNOWN
/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/group.pyc in _g_check_has_child(self, name) 400 raise NoSuchNodeError( 401 "group ``%s`` does not have a child named ``%s``"--> 402 % (self._v_pathname, name)) 403 return node_type 404
NoSuchNodeError: group ``/`` does not have a child named ``/home/chris/Chris Hunter``

So that didn't work either! I can't access my table in order to do anything with it, why can't I rename the node?
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David Dotson
2016-03-16 05:13:46 UTC
Perhaps try something like `h5f.rename_node('/home/chris', 'new name', name='Chris Hunter')`. See the docstring from `tables.File.get_node` for details on the way these arguments typically go for accessing nodes.

Post by Christopher Turnbull
h5f.rename_node('/home/chris/Chris Hunter','newname')
NoSuchNodeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-9b75f53baacd> in <module>() ----> 1h5f.rename_node('/home/chris/Chris Hunter','newname')/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in rename_node(self, where, newname, name, overwrite) 1662 """ 1663 -> 1664obj = self.get_node(where, name=name)1665 obj._f_rename(newname, overwrite)1666 /home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in get_node(self, where, name, classname) 1614 # Now we have the definitive node path, let us try to get the node.1615 if node is None:-> 1616node = self._get_node(nodepath)1617 1618 # Finally, check whether the desired node is an instance/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in _get_node(self, nodepath) 1553 return self.root1554 -> 1555node = self._node_manager.get_node(nodepath)1556 assert node is not None, "unable to instantiate node ``%s``" % nodepath1557 /home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/file.pyc in get_node(self, key) 434 435 if self.node_factory:--> 436node =
self.node_factory(key)437 self.cache_node(node, key)438 /home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/group.pyc in _g_load_child(self, childname) 1184 childname = join_path(self._v_file.root_uep, childname)1185 # Is the node a group or a leaf?-> 1186node_type = self._g_check_has_child(childname)1187 1188 # Nodes that HDF5 report as H5G_UNKNOWN/home/chris/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/group.pyc in _g_check_has_child(self, name) 400 raise NoSuchNodeError( 401 "group ``%s`` does not have a child named ``%s``"--> 402% (self._v_pathname, name)) 403 return node_type404 NoSuchNodeError: group ``/`` does not have a child named ``/home/chris/Chris Hunter``
So that didn't work either! I can't access my table in order to do anything with it, why can't I rename the node?
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Christopher Turnbull
2016-03-16 09:03:53 UTC
Tried that, however now this error comes up. I think it must be something
to do with the whitespace in 'Chris Hunter' ?

NoSuchNodeError: group ``/`` does not have a child named ``/home/chris/Chris Hunter``
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