[pytables-users] Pandas to_hdf now crashes using PyTables 3.2 when appending to hdf5 file created in PyTables 3.1.1
2015-07-14 20:08:20 UTC
I recently updated PyTables to version 3.2 in order to circumvent this bug:

I am now able to read the data successfully, unfortunately I can no longer
append data to an HDF5 store that I need to work with. Specifically, Python
crashes whenever I attempt to append to this dataset. The append takes
place through pandas as:

append_df.to_hdf(fname, self.factors_cache_key, mode='a', format='table',
append=True, complib='zlib', complevel=1, min_itemsize={'curve': 120})

My hunch is this has to do with the necessary additions of the hdf5 and
zlib modules, but I am not sure at all. Below is a screenshot of the
PyTables update through Anaconda. Thanks you very much in advance.

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